Beginner/Intermediate Basket Weaving

Sundays, 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Instructor: Kim Carver

Spring 1 April Dates:

April 7th – April 28th

A 4-week basket-weaving class.
Beginning Basket Weaving: You will learn basic weaving techniques to make 3 baskets over the course of this class- a napkin basket, a tray basket with leather handles, & an open flat-weave kitchen basket.
Intermediate Basket Weaving: Open to students who have taken a class or workshop with Kim. Students will work on a large laundry basket & Patterned Basket with Handles.
Students will be able to choose their colors from an array of dyed reeds. All baskets will receive a stained finish!
Both Beginning & Intermediate classes will run at the same time.

Beginner Students: Cost of materials included in price of the class
Intermediate Students: Cost of materials $40, payable to the instructor on the first day of class.

Please review our Studio & makeup policies below.

Beginner Baskets
April 7th – April 28th


  1. Napkin Basket
  2. Tray Basket with Leather Handles
  3. Open Flat Weave Kitchen Basket

Intermediate Baskets*
April 7th – April 28th


  1. Large Laundry Basket
  2. Patterned Basket with Handles
    *previous experience required

To receive a discount, pay via Venmo, Zelle, cash, or check!
Discounted Price: $240